داستان آبیدیک

self worth


1 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: خودارزشمندی، ارزش خویشتن، ارزش ـ خود، خودارزشی

I wanted to know more about how people develop their self-concept and sense of self-worth. This type of rumination narrows our focus and exaggerates implica- tions for self-worth (Nolen-Hoeksema, 1991): "Not only did I fail, I AM A FAILURE. Although they're both strongly linked to psychological well-being, self-esteem is a positive evalua- tion of self-worth, while self-compassion isn't a judgment or an evaluation at all. ’ Self-compassion and self-esteem are both positive ways of relating to oneself, but self-esteem is an evaluation of self-worth that is conditional and based on success, whereas self-compassion involves unconditional self-acceptance even in moments of failure. In a sur- vey involving a large community sample in the Netherlands (Neff & Vonk, 2009), for example, higher SCS scores were associated with more stability in state feelings of self-worth over an 8-month period (assessed 12 differ- ent times) than trait self-esteem was.،Domestic violence was significantly associated with self-worth, self-deprecation, and depression. The experiences of violence eroded self-worth while reinforcing self-deprecation and Peer attachment might provide individuals with opportunities to build their sense of self-worth. , whether individuals' typical feelings of self-worth are high or low), little is known about how the attachment system is connected to other important components of self-esteem. , the extent to which individuals' current feelings of self-worth exhibit fluctuations).،

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